We at Märtens are committed to ensuring that our company and our employees do not tolerate any unlawful behaviour or behaviour that violates our internal regulations within the framework of compliance. Adherence to our compliance guidelines is accepted by all employees at Märtens as an essential part of their daily work.
Our long-term business relationships are based on ensuring that all business conducted by Märtens is conducted in an ethical and legal manner.
This is a fundamental part of our corporate philosophy and has a major influence on our day-to-day business. In this way, we ensure that our actions are always in line with our values and that we can secure the trust of our partners and customers in the long term.
Our employees receive regular training in key compliance areas. This puts them in the best possible position to prevent or uncover breaches of the rules and thus avert damage to the company.
Our training programmes are continuously adapted to take account of new legal requirements and internal developments. This enables us to maintain a high level of compliance. We see these training programmes as a great help in promoting the competence and sense of responsibility of our employees. In addition, this represents a decisive step towards strengthening our corporate culture and reputation.