In total, the plant has a total output of 240 kW and on sunny days we can also almost achieve this maximum. "The PV plant is an essential part of our decarbonization strategy," explains Märtens Managing Director Bernhard Funke. "It has met all expectations so far. Already in June, we were able to record our first climate-neutral day due to the good weather and cover our electricity needs completely with self-generated solar energy."
Step by step to climate neutrality
For several years now, we at Märtens have been working intensively on how we can make our production more sustainable and how each individual employee can contribute to more climate protection. The plant has been in operation since November 2022 and by mid-June we had already been able to save 43 tons ofCO2 in this way. "Our fundamental goal is to avoid CO2 emissions as far as possible. Ideally, we would even like to become completely climate neutral," emphasizes Mr. Funke. "This is a big challenge, but we are doing everything we can to further reduce ourCO2 footprint. With the PV system, we have taken a big step, but we still have a lot to do!"
From electric mobility to LED lighting - learn more about our sustainability activities here:
Märtens installs PV system
Märtens converts to LED
Environmentally friendly on the road by bike
E-mobility at Märtens